2005 - Mexico City. Taken on January 9, 2005 by Pedro Avila Rubio, as a UFO flew over the Plaza Mexico bullring between 5:45 and 6:00 pm. Rubio obtained impressive video evidence of an unidentified flying object at an altitude of 4000 meters over the municipality of Tlalnepantla in the state of Mexico at 3:45 p.m. The witness described it as a sphere with protuberances in its lower side - making the analogy of a pea with corrugated edges, which was precisely in the San Mateo air corridor, adding that no aircraft appeared during the recording. To see second image capture from video Go here.

2005 - United Kingdom - Kimmel Bay -Jan 23. Photographer was trying out the camera on maximum optical/digital zoom which is about 12X. It was taken on Kimmel Bay (west of Rhyl) quite near the car park and the Asda store not being far away. At first I noticed the white blobs on the left. Seagulls? Well I've always found even at a distance some sort of a birdlike shape is there and it seems a bit of a coincidence that this does not happen with any of this group. Is the object above the roof of the shelter the North Wales Police helicopter? It is loud even at a distance but we were not aware of it.

2005 - Portland, Oregon - Witness states: Driving to work in Portland, OR on 01/11/2005 at 7:35 am I saw two bright objects just above the eastern horizon. They were much brighter at first before they sank into the distant haze that you see in the pictures. The objects were moving to the east away from me, how fast I cannot say. They held in view for about nine minutes, so could not have been moving too fast. An excellent photo.

2005 - Roseburg, Oregon. Taken on January 16. Witness states: I took this picture off my balcony in Roseburg, Oregon at about 9:30 pm on Sunday Jan 16, 2005. I noticed the lights before they started moving. They were very dim at first, but when it started moving they brightened up considerably. It took about 20 minutes to move out of sight over the mountains. I could not tell if it was round or triangular, but I got the impression I was looking at a triangle from the front because of the way the lights were placed.

2005 - United Kingdom. Northumberland, 01-18. The UFO Casebook received two photographs from Alfred Dodds of the Northumberland UFO Research Centre on 02-04-2005. In the second photo look above the rooftops of the houses and just to the right of the rainbow and you will see the UFO closer up. These photos were taken on the 18th Jan '05 at 15:11 pm. I examined the photographs, and in the first one, the object was so distant, that I could only conclude that the object was oval-shaped. The second photograph, however, afforded a good look at the object, and enabled me to get a fairly good closeup. It is very difficult to determine exactly what Mr. Dodds filmed, but I posted here for all to see. source: Alfred Dodds. Northumberland UFO Research Centre.

2005 - Texas - City of Kaufman. Taken on 01-21-05, © Lawwalk. Witness states: I was out today taking pictures of the chemtrails, at 11:35 AM. I was aiming my camera at a scrawny little cloud. As I was snapping the picture, I noticed a flash in the sky through the viewfinder. When the picture came on the screen, I noticed a gold-colored object at the top of the cloud I had captured also. I looked back where it was and of course it was gone. I really couldn't tell much of what it may be till I downloaded it on my computer. I zoomed in on it and nearly fell out of my chair. It appears to be a craft of some kind with maybe windows or ports on the right side, in the middle. It also appears to be emanating a gas or some type of energy field around it, mainly at the top. An excellent photograph in need of further study.

2005 - California - Chula Vista - January 29. California-Chula Vista pictures taken with a Canon mini DV Camcorder, 4.0 mega pixels. The photos were taken near my home on Jan 29,'05 at starting at 5:00 pm and ending at 6:00 pm. Again, felt "urge" to go outside, boom. Followed this thing around in my car for about an hour, never driving more than 5 miles away from my home. Thanks Jen for sending them to us. source and references: © Jennifer F.

2005 - Wisconsin - Green Bay - 02-12-05. I was out last evening taking a few sunset photos on Green Bay when I noticed this bright spot. I took 2 quick shots... looked down at the screen on the back of my camera to be sure I was getting the photos... when I looked up again the object was gone. This all happened in about 10 or 15 seconds. Not sure what it is but I thought you might find these interesting. I talked to another researcher today about this particular photo, and he thought that this picture might be showing what is called a "sundog." I agree this is a possibility, but looking at the full size image, it appears to me that the object in question is in front of the cloud cover, and not a reflection or atmospheric condition. (B J) original source: http://www.coasttocoastam.com/gen/page824.html
2005 - Mexico City. Ana Luisa Cid reports a personal sighting on 17 February 2005. At 9:30 a.m. I witnessed the transit of this flying object toward Mexico City's eastern regions. I was writing an article on my computer when something shiny made me turn to the left and look through the window. It was an elongated structure of considerable size, visible to the unaided eye, which traveled horizontally at great speed. When I reached for my camcorder to shoot video, the brilliant structure made a sudden reverse motion and hid behind the rooftop. I remained patient and waited for it to emerge, obtaining the following images.

2005 - California - Half Moon Bay - 12-12-05. Here is the best of about 5 or 6 photos I took of 3 mysterious discs flying over the Half Moon Bay beach in Northern California last week. I was out shooting some black and white shots of the rocks when I heard some people on the beach yelling to each other to look up in the sky above the water. These "disc" type aircraft came from over the rocks very slowly (it was hard to tell how high they were, but the closest one didn't seem much higher than 200 feet) then moved out toward the water. The whole sighting lasted no more than 30 seconds. Taken by Watson Morris. original source: http://www.coasttocoastam.com/gen/page835.html

2005 - Kaufman Texas. I thought you might be interested in this photo that was taken 03-21-2005. I dug it out of my files. It appears to me to be two saucer-shaped UFOs either docking or undocking. See what you think... Larry © lawwalk. A very tantalizing photograph to say the least. No doubt it is something out of the ordinary. Could this be two UFOs docking? The smaller one beneath either leaving the larger ship above, or entering the larger craft? One of the best there is, in my opinion. B J

2005 - Louisiana - My co-worker’s 13-year old son was in his back yard in Westwego, LA, taking a picture of the sunset on 04 Mar 05, when he downloaded his pictures to his computer he noticed a spot in the top center of the photo. When you enlarge the area you see a triangle with lights on each tip (second photo). If you look even closer, you can see a black dot to the right and above the triangle (close-up of this in third photo). Westwego is directly across the Mississippi River form New Orleans. This, another rare photo of a triangle.

2005 - Timbo, Arkansas- April 28. Yesterday, between heavy rains, we had some boiling, rolling type cloud activity, worse than Dorothy (Wizard of Oz) would have seen. Anyway, I got my camera after 20 minutes or so, so the images I actually got are quite tame, cloud wise. We frequently see strange lights here, I watched the skies since we moved here in 2001 and noticed the heavy chem-trail activity. I have lots of chemtrail images also, but not many with a good digital. We recently got a fairly good Sony Cybershot 4.1 mega pixels. I am not very computer savvy, but I am able to enlarge the images somewhat now and see lights and things that I can't identify. If you would like to see some of these images, email me back so I can email them to you. I was later taking the shots after the storms chem-trailing, trying to get the plane images.

2005 - April, 5. Mexico. Report received from our correspondent in Mexico City, Prof. Ana Luisa Cid. Juan Antonio Lopez, a young man from the city of Culiacán, Sinaloa, managed to obtain excellent footage of unexpected UFOs over his city. Upon viewing the film, strange shining structures can be seen moving around at high speed. Vidcaps are shown. Our readers will recall that Prof. Cid has obtained video of strange objects flying over this vicinity in previous occasions. © Juan Antonio Lopez

2005 - Russia - April 10, 2005 - The UFO Casebook received a short report with photograph. The image purportedly shows five UFOs. The photograph was taken on March 02 of this year over the city of Moscow. There was also a notation of a location called, Station Metro "Ploshad Ilyicha." I want to thank the gentleman for sending in a most interesting photograph. I am assuming this is a legitimate photo, until further evidence comes forward to prove otherwise. © G.O.

2005 - Kaufman County, Texas - May. Taken by prolific picture taker Larry from Texas. His still photos and videos have been the subject of a UFO television special on ABC news affiliate KLTV in Tyler. Yours truly presented his photography on this special. This photo was taken after the special was filmed, or would have been included. A rare photo of a triangle. © lawwalk.

2005 - Catasauqua, PA - May 15, 2005, between 6-7 pm. I was out in front of my house on Sunday, when I was taking pictures of my daughter and other family and friends. I saw and heard a small plane flying overhead and decided to take a digital picture of the plane to show my nephew how good the zoom is on the camera. The next day when I brought the image up on my computer screen I saw the object above the plane. When looking through the camera I saw only the plane when taking the picture. A big thanks to Jim for sending in his information and photograph - source & references: UFO Casebook.

2005 - Modesto, California - July. I took some additional pictures of this unusual object that has been above my residence at night. This time the craft was towards the south and the stars in the pictures are a part of the Scorpius constellation. The roof of my house is barely visible in one of the pictures. This places the UFO at a fairly low position on the southern horizon. It is remarkable how it appears to be moving at a 30 degree angle towards the ground. Was the craft diving towards some other object that is not visible? I can't really think of any other reason why the craft has such a slant. It has to be moving downwards because its direction of travel is towards the right in the frame. images© R. David Anderson.

2005 - Arizona - Phoeni, Sky Harbor - My wife thought she heard thunder on June 27, 2005, so we went outside to make sure everything was picked up that could blow away. I walked around the front of the house to look for thunderstorms when I saw something that looked like a plane on approach to Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, then two lights that didn't appear to move. They were spaced fairly far apart for a commercial aircraft to be that close and appear still, so I called my wife over to take a look. After a couple minutes it was obvious that it wasn't a conventional aircraft. I went inside to get my camera and binoculars. I took several pictures as it moved slowly off to the west and eventually below the roofline of the neighboring homes. source and references: Brian Vike, Image © M. Di Silvestro

2005 - Puerto Rico. While I was at the University of Puerto Rico Enclosure of Rio Piedras, I was approached by a group of students who provided this photograph to me. The information that they provided to me was about a group of fishermen of Manatí, Puerto Rico On the 31st of July 2005, at about 10:30 at night they took a photo with a digital camera while observing apparent unusual extended UFOs traveling from north to the south in straight form. The sighting lasted about two minutes or so. Report by: Prof. Reinaldo Ríos.

2005 - United Kingdom - July. The photos were taken using a Canon 300D camera with a 300mm image stabilising lens. The original photographs untouched are available if required. At around 10.00 am this morning July 10th, I was sitting outside with 4 colleagues when I saw a very bright flashing rotating object in the sky. This I pointed out to everyone, and everone saw it. At this point I must say that I am one of the world's greatest sceptics with regards to UFOs. I managed to photograph the object and have 6 very good photos of it. Eyewitness photograph © Steve Mera. original source-www.rense.com.

2005 - Mexico - July. The UFO Casebook received the following report with photographs from INEXPLICATA-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology, on August 1, 2005. Images are dated July 28, 2005 taken at 19:31 hours along the Piramides-Ecatepec Highway in the municipality of San Juan Teotihuacan, State of Mexico. Teotihuacan UFO Photos by Ana Luisa Cid.

2005 - Mexico - Hill of the Box - Photographic sequence of Miguel Luna taken in the mountainous region of the Mexican state of Oaxaca, in the Hill of the Box. Photographs taken on August 5, 2005 at approximately 1:00 PM. The witness states that he initially thought that the "shade" could be a zone burned in the hill, but later noticed that it had movement and that also it was possible to observe the flying object between clouds. The images were taken with a camera Sony DSC-P73, normal exhibition and speed ISO 100. © Miguel Luna.

2005 - France - Chance UFOs in France Photography sent by investigator Christian Mace' Cogolin, near Saint-Tropez, France. "...the photo: I took it from my terrace from Cogolin, on the 29th of September of 2005 at approximately 18:00 hours." "On that occasion I was taking photographs of the clouds, it was windy and there were no airplanes in the sky, neither helicopters, nor birds." "When I uploaded the images to my computer, I discovered two things that could be UFOs". Photograph © Christian Mace, original source: www.analuisacid.com

2005 - Jersey City, NJ - This photo was allegedly taken in Jersey City, NJ, USA, Aug. 2005. It took place when the photographer had pulled over off the highway to buy some fruits at an isolated fruit store and he snapped a picture of this warehouse in the lot over. He said he did not even see it when he took the picture. (Source: Xinhua Forum) No copyright info available.

2005 - Spain - Castellon - INEXPLICATA-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology-November 9, 2005. Angel Rodriguez, co-director of the Universo Prohibido site, sends us the following message: "This is the photograph of the UFO taken by a young woman from the city of Castellón. Apparently the young lady was not aware that she had photographed a UFO. She kept the image stored within her digital camera and it is only now that she became aware of it." Translation (c) 2005. S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Angel Rodriguez.

2005 - Kaufman, TX, 12-31-05. I thought I was photographing a jet at the time. It was several miles to the west toward Dallas. My wife got a look at the pic and wanted to know if I had sent it to you yet. She doesn't get too excited about most of my photos, but this one she said was one of the best ones I had. A big thanks to Larry for sending this one to us. A really great photo! © lawwalk 2005/2006

2005- Mexico - October 18 - Photography of Mr. Demetrio J. Ramirez, in Chihuahua. According to the witness, that day was of trip of weddings by the mentioned Mexican state, crossing in bus the passage of the town of Creel towards Divisadero, in Ravines of Cobre. At the Tarahumara Mountain range a panoramic Vista of the landscape can be had, and he decided to capture some photographs with his Sony DSC-P150 digital camera. © Demetrio J. Ramírez.

2005 - Canada - This photo was said to be taken on a ferry that goes to Vancouver Island in Canada, Nov. 25, 2005. Some debunkers have claimed that the object is nothing more than a bird. Personally, I just can't see that, it certainly looks like a structured, metallic object to me. Sure, some images of UFOs turn out to be birds, but not this one. © Rob S

2005 - United Kingdom - Kimmel Bay -Jan 23. Photographer was trying out the camera on maximum optical/digital zoom which is about 12X. It was taken on Kimmel Bay (west of Rhyl) quite near the car park and the Asda store not being far away. At first I noticed the white blobs on the left. Seagulls? Well I've always found even at a distance some sort of a birdlike shape is there and it seems a bit of a coincidence that this does not happen with any of this group. Is the object above the roof of the shelter the North Wales Police helicopter? It is loud even at a distance but we were not aware of it.
2005 - Portland, Oregon - Witness states: Driving to work in Portland, OR on 01/11/2005 at 7:35 am I saw two bright objects just above the eastern horizon. They were much brighter at first before they sank into the distant haze that you see in the pictures. The objects were moving to the east away from me, how fast I cannot say. They held in view for about nine minutes, so could not have been moving too fast. An excellent photo.
2005 - Roseburg, Oregon. Taken on January 16. Witness states: I took this picture off my balcony in Roseburg, Oregon at about 9:30 pm on Sunday Jan 16, 2005. I noticed the lights before they started moving. They were very dim at first, but when it started moving they brightened up considerably. It took about 20 minutes to move out of sight over the mountains. I could not tell if it was round or triangular, but I got the impression I was looking at a triangle from the front because of the way the lights were placed.
2005 - United Kingdom. Northumberland, 01-18. The UFO Casebook received two photographs from Alfred Dodds of the Northumberland UFO Research Centre on 02-04-2005. In the second photo look above the rooftops of the houses and just to the right of the rainbow and you will see the UFO closer up. These photos were taken on the 18th Jan '05 at 15:11 pm. I examined the photographs, and in the first one, the object was so distant, that I could only conclude that the object was oval-shaped. The second photograph, however, afforded a good look at the object, and enabled me to get a fairly good closeup. It is very difficult to determine exactly what Mr. Dodds filmed, but I posted here for all to see. source: Alfred Dodds. Northumberland UFO Research Centre.
2005 - Texas - City of Kaufman. Taken on 01-21-05, © Lawwalk. Witness states: I was out today taking pictures of the chemtrails, at 11:35 AM. I was aiming my camera at a scrawny little cloud. As I was snapping the picture, I noticed a flash in the sky through the viewfinder. When the picture came on the screen, I noticed a gold-colored object at the top of the cloud I had captured also. I looked back where it was and of course it was gone. I really couldn't tell much of what it may be till I downloaded it on my computer. I zoomed in on it and nearly fell out of my chair. It appears to be a craft of some kind with maybe windows or ports on the right side, in the middle. It also appears to be emanating a gas or some type of energy field around it, mainly at the top. An excellent photograph in need of further study.
2005 - California - Chula Vista - January 29. California-Chula Vista pictures taken with a Canon mini DV Camcorder, 4.0 mega pixels. The photos were taken near my home on Jan 29,'05 at starting at 5:00 pm and ending at 6:00 pm. Again, felt "urge" to go outside, boom. Followed this thing around in my car for about an hour, never driving more than 5 miles away from my home. Thanks Jen for sending them to us. source and references: © Jennifer F.
2005 - Wisconsin - Green Bay - 02-12-05. I was out last evening taking a few sunset photos on Green Bay when I noticed this bright spot. I took 2 quick shots... looked down at the screen on the back of my camera to be sure I was getting the photos... when I looked up again the object was gone. This all happened in about 10 or 15 seconds. Not sure what it is but I thought you might find these interesting. I talked to another researcher today about this particular photo, and he thought that this picture might be showing what is called a "sundog." I agree this is a possibility, but looking at the full size image, it appears to me that the object in question is in front of the cloud cover, and not a reflection or atmospheric condition. (B J) original source: http://www.coasttocoastam.com/gen/page824.html
2005 - Mexico City. Ana Luisa Cid reports a personal sighting on 17 February 2005. At 9:30 a.m. I witnessed the transit of this flying object toward Mexico City's eastern regions. I was writing an article on my computer when something shiny made me turn to the left and look through the window. It was an elongated structure of considerable size, visible to the unaided eye, which traveled horizontally at great speed. When I reached for my camcorder to shoot video, the brilliant structure made a sudden reverse motion and hid behind the rooftop. I remained patient and waited for it to emerge, obtaining the following images.
2005 - California - Half Moon Bay - 12-12-05. Here is the best of about 5 or 6 photos I took of 3 mysterious discs flying over the Half Moon Bay beach in Northern California last week. I was out shooting some black and white shots of the rocks when I heard some people on the beach yelling to each other to look up in the sky above the water. These "disc" type aircraft came from over the rocks very slowly (it was hard to tell how high they were, but the closest one didn't seem much higher than 200 feet) then moved out toward the water. The whole sighting lasted no more than 30 seconds. Taken by Watson Morris. original source: http://www.coasttocoastam.com/gen/page835.html
2005 - Kaufman Texas. I thought you might be interested in this photo that was taken 03-21-2005. I dug it out of my files. It appears to me to be two saucer-shaped UFOs either docking or undocking. See what you think... Larry © lawwalk. A very tantalizing photograph to say the least. No doubt it is something out of the ordinary. Could this be two UFOs docking? The smaller one beneath either leaving the larger ship above, or entering the larger craft? One of the best there is, in my opinion. B J
2005 - Louisiana - My co-worker’s 13-year old son was in his back yard in Westwego, LA, taking a picture of the sunset on 04 Mar 05, when he downloaded his pictures to his computer he noticed a spot in the top center of the photo. When you enlarge the area you see a triangle with lights on each tip (second photo). If you look even closer, you can see a black dot to the right and above the triangle (close-up of this in third photo). Westwego is directly across the Mississippi River form New Orleans. This, another rare photo of a triangle.
2005 - Timbo, Arkansas- April 28. Yesterday, between heavy rains, we had some boiling, rolling type cloud activity, worse than Dorothy (Wizard of Oz) would have seen. Anyway, I got my camera after 20 minutes or so, so the images I actually got are quite tame, cloud wise. We frequently see strange lights here, I watched the skies since we moved here in 2001 and noticed the heavy chem-trail activity. I have lots of chemtrail images also, but not many with a good digital. We recently got a fairly good Sony Cybershot 4.1 mega pixels. I am not very computer savvy, but I am able to enlarge the images somewhat now and see lights and things that I can't identify. If you would like to see some of these images, email me back so I can email them to you. I was later taking the shots after the storms chem-trailing, trying to get the plane images.
2005 - April, 5. Mexico. Report received from our correspondent in Mexico City, Prof. Ana Luisa Cid. Juan Antonio Lopez, a young man from the city of Culiacán, Sinaloa, managed to obtain excellent footage of unexpected UFOs over his city. Upon viewing the film, strange shining structures can be seen moving around at high speed. Vidcaps are shown. Our readers will recall that Prof. Cid has obtained video of strange objects flying over this vicinity in previous occasions. © Juan Antonio Lopez
2005 - Russia - April 10, 2005 - The UFO Casebook received a short report with photograph. The image purportedly shows five UFOs. The photograph was taken on March 02 of this year over the city of Moscow. There was also a notation of a location called, Station Metro "Ploshad Ilyicha." I want to thank the gentleman for sending in a most interesting photograph. I am assuming this is a legitimate photo, until further evidence comes forward to prove otherwise. © G.O.
2005 - Kaufman County, Texas - May. Taken by prolific picture taker Larry from Texas. His still photos and videos have been the subject of a UFO television special on ABC news affiliate KLTV in Tyler. Yours truly presented his photography on this special. This photo was taken after the special was filmed, or would have been included. A rare photo of a triangle. © lawwalk.
2005 - Catasauqua, PA - May 15, 2005, between 6-7 pm. I was out in front of my house on Sunday, when I was taking pictures of my daughter and other family and friends. I saw and heard a small plane flying overhead and decided to take a digital picture of the plane to show my nephew how good the zoom is on the camera. The next day when I brought the image up on my computer screen I saw the object above the plane. When looking through the camera I saw only the plane when taking the picture. A big thanks to Jim for sending in his information and photograph - source & references: UFO Casebook.
2005 - Modesto, California - July. I took some additional pictures of this unusual object that has been above my residence at night. This time the craft was towards the south and the stars in the pictures are a part of the Scorpius constellation. The roof of my house is barely visible in one of the pictures. This places the UFO at a fairly low position on the southern horizon. It is remarkable how it appears to be moving at a 30 degree angle towards the ground. Was the craft diving towards some other object that is not visible? I can't really think of any other reason why the craft has such a slant. It has to be moving downwards because its direction of travel is towards the right in the frame. images© R. David Anderson.
2005 - Arizona - Phoeni, Sky Harbor - My wife thought she heard thunder on June 27, 2005, so we went outside to make sure everything was picked up that could blow away. I walked around the front of the house to look for thunderstorms when I saw something that looked like a plane on approach to Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, then two lights that didn't appear to move. They were spaced fairly far apart for a commercial aircraft to be that close and appear still, so I called my wife over to take a look. After a couple minutes it was obvious that it wasn't a conventional aircraft. I went inside to get my camera and binoculars. I took several pictures as it moved slowly off to the west and eventually below the roofline of the neighboring homes. source and references: Brian Vike, Image © M. Di Silvestro
2005 - Puerto Rico. While I was at the University of Puerto Rico Enclosure of Rio Piedras, I was approached by a group of students who provided this photograph to me. The information that they provided to me was about a group of fishermen of Manatí, Puerto Rico On the 31st of July 2005, at about 10:30 at night they took a photo with a digital camera while observing apparent unusual extended UFOs traveling from north to the south in straight form. The sighting lasted about two minutes or so. Report by: Prof. Reinaldo Ríos.
2005 - United Kingdom - July. The photos were taken using a Canon 300D camera with a 300mm image stabilising lens. The original photographs untouched are available if required. At around 10.00 am this morning July 10th, I was sitting outside with 4 colleagues when I saw a very bright flashing rotating object in the sky. This I pointed out to everyone, and everone saw it. At this point I must say that I am one of the world's greatest sceptics with regards to UFOs. I managed to photograph the object and have 6 very good photos of it. Eyewitness photograph © Steve Mera. original source-www.rense.com.
2005 - Mexico - July. The UFO Casebook received the following report with photographs from INEXPLICATA-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology, on August 1, 2005. Images are dated July 28, 2005 taken at 19:31 hours along the Piramides-Ecatepec Highway in the municipality of San Juan Teotihuacan, State of Mexico. Teotihuacan UFO Photos by Ana Luisa Cid.
2005 - Mexico - Hill of the Box - Photographic sequence of Miguel Luna taken in the mountainous region of the Mexican state of Oaxaca, in the Hill of the Box. Photographs taken on August 5, 2005 at approximately 1:00 PM. The witness states that he initially thought that the "shade" could be a zone burned in the hill, but later noticed that it had movement and that also it was possible to observe the flying object between clouds. The images were taken with a camera Sony DSC-P73, normal exhibition and speed ISO 100. © Miguel Luna.
2005 - France - Chance UFOs in France Photography sent by investigator Christian Mace' Cogolin, near Saint-Tropez, France. "...the photo: I took it from my terrace from Cogolin, on the 29th of September of 2005 at approximately 18:00 hours." "On that occasion I was taking photographs of the clouds, it was windy and there were no airplanes in the sky, neither helicopters, nor birds." "When I uploaded the images to my computer, I discovered two things that could be UFOs". Photograph © Christian Mace, original source: www.analuisacid.com
2005 - Jersey City, NJ - This photo was allegedly taken in Jersey City, NJ, USA, Aug. 2005. It took place when the photographer had pulled over off the highway to buy some fruits at an isolated fruit store and he snapped a picture of this warehouse in the lot over. He said he did not even see it when he took the picture. (Source: Xinhua Forum) No copyright info available.
2005 - Spain - Castellon - INEXPLICATA-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology-November 9, 2005. Angel Rodriguez, co-director of the Universo Prohibido site, sends us the following message: "This is the photograph of the UFO taken by a young woman from the city of Castellón. Apparently the young lady was not aware that she had photographed a UFO. She kept the image stored within her digital camera and it is only now that she became aware of it." Translation (c) 2005. S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Angel Rodriguez.
2005 - Kaufman, TX, 12-31-05. I thought I was photographing a jet at the time. It was several miles to the west toward Dallas. My wife got a look at the pic and wanted to know if I had sent it to you yet. She doesn't get too excited about most of my photos, but this one she said was one of the best ones I had. A big thanks to Larry for sending this one to us. A really great photo! © lawwalk 2005/2006
2005- Mexico - October 18 - Photography of Mr. Demetrio J. Ramirez, in Chihuahua. According to the witness, that day was of trip of weddings by the mentioned Mexican state, crossing in bus the passage of the town of Creel towards Divisadero, in Ravines of Cobre. At the Tarahumara Mountain range a panoramic Vista of the landscape can be had, and he decided to capture some photographs with his Sony DSC-P150 digital camera. © Demetrio J. Ramírez.
2005 - Canada - This photo was said to be taken on a ferry that goes to Vancouver Island in Canada, Nov. 25, 2005. Some debunkers have claimed that the object is nothing more than a bird. Personally, I just can't see that, it certainly looks like a structured, metallic object to me. Sure, some images of UFOs turn out to be birds, but not this one. © Rob S
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