Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Just want to say hi to SETI they've been watching us. Hope you guys are ok, keep on trucking.

The heart wants what the heart wants. 
I want to carry on doing this. I enjoy this conspiracy stuff.

Would Aliens Save or Destroy Us? Seven Possible Scenarios for Extraterrestrial Contact.

Would aliens want to help us or hurt us?
In a paper by researchers Seth D. Bauma and Jacob D. Haqq-Misra of Pennsylvania State University and NASA's Shawn D. Domagal-Goldman, the prospect of extraterrestrial contact is analysed from every conceivable angle.

alien sightings news

[Credit: Seth D. Baum, Jacob D. Haqq-Misra, & Shawn D. Domagal-Goldman] Here are seven of the most interesting possibilities:

alien ufo harm us

1) Detection without any direct contact While this seems to be the least exciting option, detection of extraterrestrial intelligence alone would actually have a complex impact on humanity. In the realm of philosophy and psychology, knowing that we are not alone in the universe would change the way we view humanity and our place in the universe. The authors of the paper argue that the impact would be primarily positive, as humans are generally eager for answers to these curious, and sometimes existential, questions. They acknowledge, however, that some would argue that there would be negative consequences as well, particularly in the discovery's effects on religion, particularly Christianity.

Amazing Illuminati Animated Images

Neon triangle Illuminati image.
The Illumination-Looking Luxurious Underminer Masterfully Inceptively Not A Triangle Interstellar. 
Usually shortened down to the Illuminati, is a mysterious triangular being that roams Antarctica, travelling through space and time, slowly collecting fragments of the past.. Unlike the rather good-natured Mr skeletal, the Illuminati is pure evil and talks of taking over the world. He's so evil, that he doesn't thank said Mr skeletal. So far, there have been no signs of it taking any direct action, but many conspiracy theorists believe that someday it will, indeed, take over the world.
All the whilst, stroking a furry white Cat.
This is a truly amazing bit of imagery.

 Revolving Pyramid eye

 Eye blinks


Proxima B: Life could possibly exist on this 'second Earth' is found orbiting "our" nearest Star in the Alpha Centauri system

An artist's impression of the newly discovered Proxima b planet which orbits our nearest star. 

Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf, a small low-mass star, about 4.25 light-years from the Sun in the constellation of Centaurus. Wikipedia Distance to Earth: 4.243 light years Radius: 100,900 km (0.145 R☉) Mass: 2.446 × 10^29 kg (0.123 M☉) Absolute magnitude: 15.49 Surface temperature: 3,042 K Luminosity: 0.0017 L☉

It is invisible to the naked eye from Earth and outshone by the bright glow of Alpha Centauri, but our closest star is holding an intriguing secret, scientists have discovered. Proxima Centauri, which lies in our nearest star system, is orbited by a rocky planet that is so similar to Earth that it could harbour life. The planet, dubbed ‘Proxima b’ is only four light years away, just next door in astronomical terms, and sits in a position known as the Goldilocks Zone, where the temperature is mild enough for water to remain liquid.

See the video here.