1870 - Mt. Washington, New Hampshire. This photo is dubbed, "the oldest UFO photograph ever taken." This item was the subject of bidding at Ebay in 2002, when finally the photo was purchased for $385.00 by Samuel M. Sherman, who was the president of Independent-International Pictures Corp. This was originally a "stereo" photograph. Certainly it was difficult to manipulate photos at that time, and remember, there were no flying objects then; at least, not from this world.

1927 - Oregon. Taken in Cave Junction, Oregon. There is some question as to whether the photo was taken in '26 or '27, but nonetheless, if this is an authentic photograph it is incredible. Reportedly snapped by a volunteer fireman.

1929 - SlideWard - Colorado Ward Sawmill, April - This incident is retold by the photographers daughter: "This photo was taken by my father Edward Pline at the sawmill in Ward where we lived at the time. I think it was 1929. I was about six years old then. My father was there to photograph the sawmill for some reason or another, and as he was taking the photo, he described a 'terrible thunderous bellow,' and a large round thing as big as a very large boulder that moved through the air above them. You can see it in the picture. "None of the sawmill workers saw the thing in the photo, but they all heard the sound and felt the ground shudder. Later in my life I tried researching the incident at the County Historical Society, but I did not find any references to it. My father passed on a few years after the incident, and I have not found any surviving sawmill workers from that time." Hetty Pline

1932 - St. Paris, Ohio. This picture was taken of a man named George Sutton near midday, May, 1932. We can see that it was in 1932 from the license plate on the automobile in the photo that accompanied this shot. The unidentified flying object in the picture could not have been a street lamp, simply because there were no street lamps at the time. There are no power poles or power lines visible anywhere in this picture. This picture shows a vintage automobile. The owner of the photo album says there were no electric street lights along this road in those days. Nobody has been able to account for the dark object seen over Sutton's left shoulder in this photograph.

1942 - Los Angeles, California. Only a few months after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, on the 25th of February 1942 at 02:25 AM, alarm sirens installed in the event of another invasion began. Unknown flying objects are seen and announced in the sky of the city. A blackout is declared and the anxious, terrified inhabitants follow the instructions by turning all their lights off. At 03:16 AM, anti-aircraft guns open fire on the unidentified flying objects coming from the ocean, and projector beams are searching the sky. Witnesses observe small objects flying at high altitude, of red or silver-plated color, moving in formation at high speed, and untouched by the AAA salvos. This large object was hit by many AAA projectiles, according to the reports. The anti-aircraft defence continued to shoot at UFOs without results. This is one of the most famous UFO photographs ever taken.

1942 - Washington D. C. October 29. This was taken above Washington, D.C. An object at the very right of the frame was initially thought to represent a high-wing monoplane flying down and right from the upper left-hand corner. It appears to be too fast for the shutter, its configuration is more disk-like and it is followed by an exceptionally long dark streak (this extends back and upwards to the top of the frame) that is normally associated with jet aircraft.

1944 - England - This UFO was photographed over England in 1944. Source: "The X Factor" magazine issue 53 (Marshall Cavendish publications). No other information is know about the photograph at this time.

1947 - Morristown, New Jersey. On the morning of July 10, 1947, John H. Janssen, editor of the Daily Record (an American aviation journal) was flying his own plane from Morristown Airport in New Jersey. He spotted six, luminous spherical craft with hazy rings around them flying in a trail high in the sky above him. He grabbed his camera and shot a picture. He was only able to get four of the six objects in the image frame. Two weeks later, on July 23rd, he had another encounter of what looked to him like the same or very similar aircraft. He was again flying his airplane out of Morristown, and was at 6,000 ft.

1947 - July 7 - William Rhodes of Phoenix, Arizona allegedly saw a disk circling his locality during sunset and took two photographs. The resulting pictures show a disk-like object with a round front and a square tail in plane form. These photographs have been examined by experts who state they are true photographic images and do not appear to be an imperfection in the emulsion or in the lens. Often called the "Roswell UFO." Some info taken from: www.nicap.org

1947 - July 4 - U.S. Coast Guardsman, Frank Ryman, of Seattle, Washington, took this photograph of a flying disc taken on July 4, 1947, three days before the infamous Rhodes photographs. The Rhodes’ photos were actually printed in the local paper upside down! Allegedly, one of, if not the first, photograph of a "flying disc." source of Info: http://destinationspace.net/ufo/connors/flyingdiscs.asp

1947 - Scotland. An alleged UFO picture taken in the Outer Hebrides in Scotland in 1947. It is important to see the original picture on this one to get the full effect. This, to me, is a very good picture of an object that is not identifiable by comparision to any known aircraft today. It is obviously a metallic, two layered object which has never been explained away. A true UFO!

1947 - Czaplinek, Poland. This alleged UFO picture was shot at Czaplinek in 1947. The picture was taken at an angle looking up over a mountain, and the larger picture makes a much more believable image, giving the object dimension, and scale. Early photographs like this are very important, coming at a time when photo manipulation was very difficult compared to present time.

1949 - Cincinnati, Ohio. During the Jitney Carnival at the St. Peter and Paul Church in Norwood, Cincinnati, Ohio, Reverend Gregory Miller, purchased from army surplus, an 8 million candle power searchlight. Sergeant Donald R. Berger of ROTC of the University of Cincinnati would operate it. During the height of the festivities, at 08:15 PM, Sgt. Berger's sweeping searchlight suddenly flashed across a stationary, circular object in the sky. Reverend Miller and later others joined in and observed. This was only the beginning. Davidson took ten "still" photographs of the large disc-shaped object that flew in and out of the searchlight beam.

1950 - Redbud, Illinois. Evidently this photo was purportedly taken by a Mr. Dean Morgan who was a part-time photographer who was simply in the area taking photographs at the time of this event. Evidently he didn’t live in Redbud, but Greenville, where he still presently resides at 1520 Willow St.

1950 - May 8 - This is one of the most famous UFO pictures ever taken. Photographed by Paul Trent, and first witnessed by his wife. They were published in a local newspaper in McMinnville, Oregon, shortly thereafter. Soon, the Trent photos were published in Life magazine edition of June 26, 1950. The rest is history. These photos have been deemed authentic for over 50 years. One of the best early photographs of a UFO.

1951 - California - Guy B. Marquand, Jr. took this picture on a mountain road near Riverside, California, on November 23, 1951. He said the object above the skyline was a "flying saucer." One of our readers has sent us the following information: Guy Marquand enlisted in the US Army in LA California on 27/12/1943 Serial # 3921741. He was single and had 4 years of High School and came from Riverside. He is now 84 and lives at 4010 Royal Dr. Carlsbad, CA, with his wife. Evidently some of his family still reside in Riverside.

1951 - Lubbock, Texas - The famous photographs from the "Lubbock lights" in Texas, 31 August 1951. Years later, ignoring all testimonies and evidences, skeptics stated that these objects were... birds. This most ridiculous explanation was typical of how early UFO photos were often explained away. Carl Hart Jr. an 18-year-old student took this famous picture with his Kodak camera. There were at least 100 witnesses who saw the objects. This is one of the classics of Ufology.

1952 - Barra da Tijuca, Brazil, May 7 - While covering a news event for O'Cruzeiro Magazine, reporters Ed Kessel and Joao Martins saw an unusual flying object approaching their location. Kessel snapped five black and white pictures of the object as it came right over them. The Brazilian Air Force would later find as many as 40 witnesses who saw the object.

1927 - Oregon. Taken in Cave Junction, Oregon. There is some question as to whether the photo was taken in '26 or '27, but nonetheless, if this is an authentic photograph it is incredible. Reportedly snapped by a volunteer fireman.
1929 - SlideWard - Colorado Ward Sawmill, April - This incident is retold by the photographers daughter: "This photo was taken by my father Edward Pline at the sawmill in Ward where we lived at the time. I think it was 1929. I was about six years old then. My father was there to photograph the sawmill for some reason or another, and as he was taking the photo, he described a 'terrible thunderous bellow,' and a large round thing as big as a very large boulder that moved through the air above them. You can see it in the picture. "None of the sawmill workers saw the thing in the photo, but they all heard the sound and felt the ground shudder. Later in my life I tried researching the incident at the County Historical Society, but I did not find any references to it. My father passed on a few years after the incident, and I have not found any surviving sawmill workers from that time." Hetty Pline
1932 - St. Paris, Ohio. This picture was taken of a man named George Sutton near midday, May, 1932. We can see that it was in 1932 from the license plate on the automobile in the photo that accompanied this shot. The unidentified flying object in the picture could not have been a street lamp, simply because there were no street lamps at the time. There are no power poles or power lines visible anywhere in this picture. This picture shows a vintage automobile. The owner of the photo album says there were no electric street lights along this road in those days. Nobody has been able to account for the dark object seen over Sutton's left shoulder in this photograph.
1942 - Los Angeles, California. Only a few months after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, on the 25th of February 1942 at 02:25 AM, alarm sirens installed in the event of another invasion began. Unknown flying objects are seen and announced in the sky of the city. A blackout is declared and the anxious, terrified inhabitants follow the instructions by turning all their lights off. At 03:16 AM, anti-aircraft guns open fire on the unidentified flying objects coming from the ocean, and projector beams are searching the sky. Witnesses observe small objects flying at high altitude, of red or silver-plated color, moving in formation at high speed, and untouched by the AAA salvos. This large object was hit by many AAA projectiles, according to the reports. The anti-aircraft defence continued to shoot at UFOs without results. This is one of the most famous UFO photographs ever taken.
1942 - Washington D. C. October 29. This was taken above Washington, D.C. An object at the very right of the frame was initially thought to represent a high-wing monoplane flying down and right from the upper left-hand corner. It appears to be too fast for the shutter, its configuration is more disk-like and it is followed by an exceptionally long dark streak (this extends back and upwards to the top of the frame) that is normally associated with jet aircraft.
1944 - England - This UFO was photographed over England in 1944. Source: "The X Factor" magazine issue 53 (Marshall Cavendish publications). No other information is know about the photograph at this time.
1947 - Morristown, New Jersey. On the morning of July 10, 1947, John H. Janssen, editor of the Daily Record (an American aviation journal) was flying his own plane from Morristown Airport in New Jersey. He spotted six, luminous spherical craft with hazy rings around them flying in a trail high in the sky above him. He grabbed his camera and shot a picture. He was only able to get four of the six objects in the image frame. Two weeks later, on July 23rd, he had another encounter of what looked to him like the same or very similar aircraft. He was again flying his airplane out of Morristown, and was at 6,000 ft.
1947 - July 7 - William Rhodes of Phoenix, Arizona allegedly saw a disk circling his locality during sunset and took two photographs. The resulting pictures show a disk-like object with a round front and a square tail in plane form. These photographs have been examined by experts who state they are true photographic images and do not appear to be an imperfection in the emulsion or in the lens. Often called the "Roswell UFO." Some info taken from: www.nicap.org
1947 - July 4 - U.S. Coast Guardsman, Frank Ryman, of Seattle, Washington, took this photograph of a flying disc taken on July 4, 1947, three days before the infamous Rhodes photographs. The Rhodes’ photos were actually printed in the local paper upside down! Allegedly, one of, if not the first, photograph of a "flying disc." source of Info: http://destinationspace.net/ufo/connors/flyingdiscs.asp
1947 - Scotland. An alleged UFO picture taken in the Outer Hebrides in Scotland in 1947. It is important to see the original picture on this one to get the full effect. This, to me, is a very good picture of an object that is not identifiable by comparision to any known aircraft today. It is obviously a metallic, two layered object which has never been explained away. A true UFO!
1947 - Czaplinek, Poland. This alleged UFO picture was shot at Czaplinek in 1947. The picture was taken at an angle looking up over a mountain, and the larger picture makes a much more believable image, giving the object dimension, and scale. Early photographs like this are very important, coming at a time when photo manipulation was very difficult compared to present time.
1949 - Cincinnati, Ohio. During the Jitney Carnival at the St. Peter and Paul Church in Norwood, Cincinnati, Ohio, Reverend Gregory Miller, purchased from army surplus, an 8 million candle power searchlight. Sergeant Donald R. Berger of ROTC of the University of Cincinnati would operate it. During the height of the festivities, at 08:15 PM, Sgt. Berger's sweeping searchlight suddenly flashed across a stationary, circular object in the sky. Reverend Miller and later others joined in and observed. This was only the beginning. Davidson took ten "still" photographs of the large disc-shaped object that flew in and out of the searchlight beam.
1950 - Redbud, Illinois. Evidently this photo was purportedly taken by a Mr. Dean Morgan who was a part-time photographer who was simply in the area taking photographs at the time of this event. Evidently he didn’t live in Redbud, but Greenville, where he still presently resides at 1520 Willow St.
1950 - May 8 - This is one of the most famous UFO pictures ever taken. Photographed by Paul Trent, and first witnessed by his wife. They were published in a local newspaper in McMinnville, Oregon, shortly thereafter. Soon, the Trent photos were published in Life magazine edition of June 26, 1950. The rest is history. These photos have been deemed authentic for over 50 years. One of the best early photographs of a UFO.
1951 - California - Guy B. Marquand, Jr. took this picture on a mountain road near Riverside, California, on November 23, 1951. He said the object above the skyline was a "flying saucer." One of our readers has sent us the following information: Guy Marquand enlisted in the US Army in LA California on 27/12/1943 Serial # 3921741. He was single and had 4 years of High School and came from Riverside. He is now 84 and lives at 4010 Royal Dr. Carlsbad, CA, with his wife. Evidently some of his family still reside in Riverside.
1951 - Lubbock, Texas - The famous photographs from the "Lubbock lights" in Texas, 31 August 1951. Years later, ignoring all testimonies and evidences, skeptics stated that these objects were... birds. This most ridiculous explanation was typical of how early UFO photos were often explained away. Carl Hart Jr. an 18-year-old student took this famous picture with his Kodak camera. There were at least 100 witnesses who saw the objects. This is one of the classics of Ufology.
1952 - Barra da Tijuca, Brazil, May 7 - While covering a news event for O'Cruzeiro Magazine, reporters Ed Kessel and Joao Martins saw an unusual flying object approaching their location. Kessel snapped five black and white pictures of the object as it came right over them. The Brazilian Air Force would later find as many as 40 witnesses who saw the object.
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