2004 - Starksboro, Vermont - January - This excellent photograph was taken by R. W. Martin while returning home from picking up his daughter. Several photos were taken, and in each photo, the object looked different, suggesting that the object was turning as it flew. A superb image of a UFO.

2004 - Beveridge, Australia - An employee of this major municipality during his routine work as a traffic engineer took a photograph of a level railway crossing at Beveridge north of Melbourne using a digital camera. When it was downloaded from the camera on to a computer an object appeared in the sky on photograph. Taken on January 16. Jim Linton, Communications Officer.

2004 - Tasmania, Australia - January - This photo is credited to Rod Beveridge of the Australian UFO Research Network, although the photographer's name remains secret. A nice photo taken with an Olympus Camedia, 5 megapixel. Photo was taken while filming near "Cradle Mountain." Good enough to add to any collection.

2004 - Malta - I noticed the object only after downloading the photos on my computer. I never noticed anything before or after taking the picture. Previous and later photos have no indication of any smears on the lens. I am also very sure no aircraft were in the area at the time. The photo was taken in Malta at a place called Bahrija; situated at the northwest of Malta on February 1, 2004, at 10:38 in the morning. As you can see seven months have passed by, but now I was advised and encouraged to put this photo forward for possible investigation. I would be grateful for any replies back.

2004 - Long Island New York - April, 23 - This very impressive image of lights was taken by a lady who is identified only as Marjorie. Early morning, she took her camera and captured some 25 photos of the sky that day, using a welder's glass to keep her eyes from the sun's harm. They were taken with a JVC digital camera. The avid photographer was shocked to see the object in the sky.

2004 - Provo Canyon, Utah - May 20. To the naked eye, Tommy Woodard's digital photograph appears to be nothing more than a pretty picture of trees in Provo Canyon. But zoom in, he says, and the purple glow of a saucer hovering at an angle above the tree line starts to take shape. Woodard, 22, a photo librarian with the Utah Film Commission, took the photo that he believes represents an unidentified flying object. He was in the canyon Tuesday shooting still pictures for a possible film location, and began taking pictures for himself on his way out. At the time, he didn't see anything out of the ordinary in his photograph. But later, after noticing a black speck in the frame, he zoomed in and "the closer I got, the more impressed I got by it," he said.

2004 - Niagara Falls, NY - May. In the photo a distant monument of recognizable shape is visible giving us an excellent item to zoom in on with the same factor as we do the UFO. This allows for a unique comparison of clarity in this high resolution digital image to determine how much distortion is taking place with the UFO in the image. It would appear that the spire-like monument in the distance is considerably farther away than the UFO is from the photographer, else the UFO is gargantuan, which is unlikely. source: Brian Vike, photographer, anonymous

2004 - Corpus Christi, Texas. Taken between 7 and 8 PM, June 17th. The sender was taking pictures of the clouds of Corpus Christi with a Sony 5 mega-pixel digital camera. At this time, the cameraman saw nothing out of the ordinary through the viewfinder of his camera. Later, when looking over the pictures, and transferring them to computer, he was surprised to see a strange object in one of the shots. The object, at first observation appears to be a classic spherical UFO with a domed top of some type. We have edited the original photo to provide a close-up, enhanced image for all to see. The UFO appears to be a disc shape with a top. Credit- Darren

2004 - Waupaca, Wisconsin. Taken by Jeff P. just after a sunset on 09-22-04. Object moving West to East. No other info available. This resembles a jet fighter plane, but I have never seen anything quite like it before. Let us know if you know more about this. At this time, it is unknown.

2004 - Allentown, Pennsylvania - July - The sighting took place this past week and was witnessed by Jim, along with his wife Florence, and daughter Sarah. The skies were clear at the time of the sighting. In Jim's own words: "We were at Dorney Park in Allentown, PA, and around 4 PM I saw a helicopter flying by but nothing else, so I took a picture with my digital camera and when we looked at the photo there was a disc-like object next to it. "When I was looking at the helicopter before taking the picture even while taking it, I saw nothing except the copter, but the object is in the picture." Credit - Jim W.

2004 - Wastewater, UK - Witness states: As I am in the Royal Air Force, I often go away on exercises and detachments with various aircraft. On this occasion I was working with a crew of Sea King pilots and ground crew in the Lake District area. The place was called Wastewater and is near Gosforth. I will enclose a link of the hotel we stayed in as it is situated on the lakes that the photo was taken of. We were working in the mountain area for the week commencing Saturday the 7th of March, and Saturday the 14th inclusive. I'm not sure of the exact time or date, but my best guess would be Monday or Tuesday (8th/9th) at approximately 4 - 4.30 PM.

2004-Tenerife Island. Taken over Tenerife Island, Spain on August 3, 2004. Witness/photographer was 37 year old Teresa Codina, from Barcelona, Spain. She had taken photos while on vacation, and only later noticed the UFO in the picture. Taken with Sony 2.4 pixel camera.

2004 - Vantaa, Finland - The witness states: "I was taking photos of the little island seen in the picture using my cell phone camera, Nokia 7650, when the object appeared in the photo on August 27, 2004 at 10:08 PM. I didn't see it while taking the photos, although I was taking the pictures at an arm's length because it has no zoom feature.

2004 - Cartagena de Indias - This extremely clear photograph of a UFO was taken on August 15, 2004, by a tourist on the Atlantic coast. The photo was analyzed by experts by computer. It was their determination that the object in question was not a spot on camera lens, nor birds, since there were birds elsewhere in the photograph. They also declared that the object was not superimposed or added by computer software.

2004 - September - Taipei, China. A Taipei citizen claims he has taken photos of an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) using his cellphone. Reported by www.chinataiwan.com. Lin Qingjiang, a worker in Hualian County of Taipei, discovered a suspected UFO, shaped like a large bamboo hat, at about 10 PM, when he was resting outside the house, the reports said. Lin was quoted as saying that the suspected UFO flew towards east and west five times within 10 minutes. But it had disappeared when he wanted to ask others to share in the excitement after taking photos through the cellphone. A great photograph!

2004 - Zion National Park - Utah. This is the BEST legitimate UFO picture I have ever seen. You can clearly make out that this is a saucer. My friend, Dale, who took this picture told me that he didn't even think it was anything other than a bird until he enlarged the picture but it is really something else. Thanks to Jon Barton Shields bshields@mindspring.com/credit to:Skywatch-International. Date unknown except for year 2004.

2004 - Ticul, Mexico - A UFO sighting took place December 12, 2004, on Sunday, during the celebration of the feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe. A circular UFO, surrounded by multicolored lights, was filmed the city of Ticul. This city remains the focal point for such encounters. Silvestre Leal and Emilio Cetz Aguiar, in charge of the Sociedad Internacional de Rastreo e Investigacion OVNI (Sirio) were responsible for filming the "craft." Only 54 seconds of video footage was obtained along with 150 photographs. The photos were analyzed along with their clarity to confirm that they indeed showed a UFO. See large photo. Very impressive.

2004 - Jalisco, Mexico - October. On 10/16/04 Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, at about 18:53 PM, I was walking in the street and I saw 1 glowing orb moving slow in to the clouds. I had my camera nearly to me because is not the first time that I saw UFOs and I took 7 photos. The UFO was moving from east to west and the velocity was varied. It has metallic texture in red and oval shape, the distance was about 800 meters. The sight it was not near to the airport of any kind military base. I didn't see any aircraft in the area or any type of exhaust coming from the object.

2004 - Hawaii, Dec. 17 - An unidentified streak moving through the night sky above Hawaii has sky watchers puzzled. The streak, which can be viewed in motion on a NASA website page, was captured on film by a camera positioned on a volcano in Haleakala, Hawaii. It moves from southeast to northwest. Image of unidentified streak near center of circle. According to the NASA site, the streak was spotted on the night of Dec. 17. Another camera trained on the night sky in Hawaii, in Mauna Kea, also captured the image. source: http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=42767-© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com

2004 - Great Wall of China - While on vacation in September, 2004, Paul Whitman and family were visiting the Great Wall of China. While taking a photograph of his son, Paul inadvertently caught something else in the upper left hand side of the picture. Paul was kind enough to send along his photograph to us. After doing a zoomed in enhancement of the object in question, I was unable to identify the object as any known object that I am aware of. Maybe some of our readers will have a clue as to what the object is. © Paul Whitman, original source; www.ufocasebook.com

2004 - Guanajuato, Mexico - December 23. Eduardo Ortega and Salvador Ortega videotaped these small structures crossing the solar disk at high speed and in different directions. Upon examining the recorded images in slow-mo and frame by frame, the following images were seen. Consideration was given to the possibility that these may be the oft-mentioned "Rods," without dismissing any other type of known event. The UFOs seen in this series of photos are some of the most unusual, yet clearly defined I have seen to date.
2004 - Hawaii - December 17. Mysterious streak captured by camera positioned on active volcano. An unidentified streak moving through the night sky above Hawaii has sky watchers puzzled. The streak, which can be viewed in motion on a NASA website page, was captured on film by a camera positioned on a volcano in Haleakala, Hawaii. It moves from southeast to northwest. Image of unidentified streak near center of circle. According to the NASA site, the streak was spotted on the night of Dec. 17. Another camera trained on the night sky in Hawaii, in Mauna Kea, also captured the image. source - http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp © 2005 WorldNetDaily.com

2004 - Norwich, Norfolk - According to eyewitness testimony of the women, she sensed something was about to happen before the UFO was seen. Photo was taken by her husband with a video camera. Husband and wife team took another photo of an unknown in 2002. original source: www.nationalufocenter.com

2004 - Kingston, Ontario, Canada - December 4. I received a photo of a definite UFO from Tim in Canada. I have enlarged the section of the object in the night sky and attempted to brighten and increase the contrast on the second photo and then posterized the third photo. I used Adobe Photoshop for all tests regarding the object. A clear image of a solid object is evident. Is it an extraterrestrial UFO,? I don't know. It is a definitely an unidentifed flying object - absolutely. by Dirk Vander Ploeg, Publisher-source & references http://www.ufodigest.com/kingston.html

2004 - Beveridge, Australia - An employee of this major municipality during his routine work as a traffic engineer took a photograph of a level railway crossing at Beveridge north of Melbourne using a digital camera. When it was downloaded from the camera on to a computer an object appeared in the sky on photograph. Taken on January 16. Jim Linton, Communications Officer.
2004 - Tasmania, Australia - January - This photo is credited to Rod Beveridge of the Australian UFO Research Network, although the photographer's name remains secret. A nice photo taken with an Olympus Camedia, 5 megapixel. Photo was taken while filming near "Cradle Mountain." Good enough to add to any collection.
2004 - Malta - I noticed the object only after downloading the photos on my computer. I never noticed anything before or after taking the picture. Previous and later photos have no indication of any smears on the lens. I am also very sure no aircraft were in the area at the time. The photo was taken in Malta at a place called Bahrija; situated at the northwest of Malta on February 1, 2004, at 10:38 in the morning. As you can see seven months have passed by, but now I was advised and encouraged to put this photo forward for possible investigation. I would be grateful for any replies back.
2004 - Long Island New York - April, 23 - This very impressive image of lights was taken by a lady who is identified only as Marjorie. Early morning, she took her camera and captured some 25 photos of the sky that day, using a welder's glass to keep her eyes from the sun's harm. They were taken with a JVC digital camera. The avid photographer was shocked to see the object in the sky.
2004 - Provo Canyon, Utah - May 20. To the naked eye, Tommy Woodard's digital photograph appears to be nothing more than a pretty picture of trees in Provo Canyon. But zoom in, he says, and the purple glow of a saucer hovering at an angle above the tree line starts to take shape. Woodard, 22, a photo librarian with the Utah Film Commission, took the photo that he believes represents an unidentified flying object. He was in the canyon Tuesday shooting still pictures for a possible film location, and began taking pictures for himself on his way out. At the time, he didn't see anything out of the ordinary in his photograph. But later, after noticing a black speck in the frame, he zoomed in and "the closer I got, the more impressed I got by it," he said.
2004 - Niagara Falls, NY - May. In the photo a distant monument of recognizable shape is visible giving us an excellent item to zoom in on with the same factor as we do the UFO. This allows for a unique comparison of clarity in this high resolution digital image to determine how much distortion is taking place with the UFO in the image. It would appear that the spire-like monument in the distance is considerably farther away than the UFO is from the photographer, else the UFO is gargantuan, which is unlikely. source: Brian Vike, photographer, anonymous
2004 - Corpus Christi, Texas. Taken between 7 and 8 PM, June 17th. The sender was taking pictures of the clouds of Corpus Christi with a Sony 5 mega-pixel digital camera. At this time, the cameraman saw nothing out of the ordinary through the viewfinder of his camera. Later, when looking over the pictures, and transferring them to computer, he was surprised to see a strange object in one of the shots. The object, at first observation appears to be a classic spherical UFO with a domed top of some type. We have edited the original photo to provide a close-up, enhanced image for all to see. The UFO appears to be a disc shape with a top. Credit- Darren
2004 - Waupaca, Wisconsin. Taken by Jeff P. just after a sunset on 09-22-04. Object moving West to East. No other info available. This resembles a jet fighter plane, but I have never seen anything quite like it before. Let us know if you know more about this. At this time, it is unknown.
2004 - Allentown, Pennsylvania - July - The sighting took place this past week and was witnessed by Jim, along with his wife Florence, and daughter Sarah. The skies were clear at the time of the sighting. In Jim's own words: "We were at Dorney Park in Allentown, PA, and around 4 PM I saw a helicopter flying by but nothing else, so I took a picture with my digital camera and when we looked at the photo there was a disc-like object next to it. "When I was looking at the helicopter before taking the picture even while taking it, I saw nothing except the copter, but the object is in the picture." Credit - Jim W.
2004 - Wastewater, UK - Witness states: As I am in the Royal Air Force, I often go away on exercises and detachments with various aircraft. On this occasion I was working with a crew of Sea King pilots and ground crew in the Lake District area. The place was called Wastewater and is near Gosforth. I will enclose a link of the hotel we stayed in as it is situated on the lakes that the photo was taken of. We were working in the mountain area for the week commencing Saturday the 7th of March, and Saturday the 14th inclusive. I'm not sure of the exact time or date, but my best guess would be Monday or Tuesday (8th/9th) at approximately 4 - 4.30 PM.
2004-Tenerife Island. Taken over Tenerife Island, Spain on August 3, 2004. Witness/photographer was 37 year old Teresa Codina, from Barcelona, Spain. She had taken photos while on vacation, and only later noticed the UFO in the picture. Taken with Sony 2.4 pixel camera.
2004 - Vantaa, Finland - The witness states: "I was taking photos of the little island seen in the picture using my cell phone camera, Nokia 7650, when the object appeared in the photo on August 27, 2004 at 10:08 PM. I didn't see it while taking the photos, although I was taking the pictures at an arm's length because it has no zoom feature.
2004 - Cartagena de Indias - This extremely clear photograph of a UFO was taken on August 15, 2004, by a tourist on the Atlantic coast. The photo was analyzed by experts by computer. It was their determination that the object in question was not a spot on camera lens, nor birds, since there were birds elsewhere in the photograph. They also declared that the object was not superimposed or added by computer software.
2004 - September - Taipei, China. A Taipei citizen claims he has taken photos of an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) using his cellphone. Reported by www.chinataiwan.com. Lin Qingjiang, a worker in Hualian County of Taipei, discovered a suspected UFO, shaped like a large bamboo hat, at about 10 PM, when he was resting outside the house, the reports said. Lin was quoted as saying that the suspected UFO flew towards east and west five times within 10 minutes. But it had disappeared when he wanted to ask others to share in the excitement after taking photos through the cellphone. A great photograph!
2004 - Zion National Park - Utah. This is the BEST legitimate UFO picture I have ever seen. You can clearly make out that this is a saucer. My friend, Dale, who took this picture told me that he didn't even think it was anything other than a bird until he enlarged the picture but it is really something else. Thanks to Jon Barton Shields bshields@mindspring.com/credit to:Skywatch-International. Date unknown except for year 2004.
2004 - Ticul, Mexico - A UFO sighting took place December 12, 2004, on Sunday, during the celebration of the feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe. A circular UFO, surrounded by multicolored lights, was filmed the city of Ticul. This city remains the focal point for such encounters. Silvestre Leal and Emilio Cetz Aguiar, in charge of the Sociedad Internacional de Rastreo e Investigacion OVNI (Sirio) were responsible for filming the "craft." Only 54 seconds of video footage was obtained along with 150 photographs. The photos were analyzed along with their clarity to confirm that they indeed showed a UFO. See large photo. Very impressive.
2004 - Jalisco, Mexico - October. On 10/16/04 Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, at about 18:53 PM, I was walking in the street and I saw 1 glowing orb moving slow in to the clouds. I had my camera nearly to me because is not the first time that I saw UFOs and I took 7 photos. The UFO was moving from east to west and the velocity was varied. It has metallic texture in red and oval shape, the distance was about 800 meters. The sight it was not near to the airport of any kind military base. I didn't see any aircraft in the area or any type of exhaust coming from the object.
2004 - Hawaii, Dec. 17 - An unidentified streak moving through the night sky above Hawaii has sky watchers puzzled. The streak, which can be viewed in motion on a NASA website page, was captured on film by a camera positioned on a volcano in Haleakala, Hawaii. It moves from southeast to northwest. Image of unidentified streak near center of circle. According to the NASA site, the streak was spotted on the night of Dec. 17. Another camera trained on the night sky in Hawaii, in Mauna Kea, also captured the image. source: http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=42767-© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com
2004 - Great Wall of China - While on vacation in September, 2004, Paul Whitman and family were visiting the Great Wall of China. While taking a photograph of his son, Paul inadvertently caught something else in the upper left hand side of the picture. Paul was kind enough to send along his photograph to us. After doing a zoomed in enhancement of the object in question, I was unable to identify the object as any known object that I am aware of. Maybe some of our readers will have a clue as to what the object is. © Paul Whitman, original source; www.ufocasebook.com
2004 - Guanajuato, Mexico - December 23. Eduardo Ortega and Salvador Ortega videotaped these small structures crossing the solar disk at high speed and in different directions. Upon examining the recorded images in slow-mo and frame by frame, the following images were seen. Consideration was given to the possibility that these may be the oft-mentioned "Rods," without dismissing any other type of known event. The UFOs seen in this series of photos are some of the most unusual, yet clearly defined I have seen to date.
2004 - Hawaii - December 17. Mysterious streak captured by camera positioned on active volcano. An unidentified streak moving through the night sky above Hawaii has sky watchers puzzled. The streak, which can be viewed in motion on a NASA website page, was captured on film by a camera positioned on a volcano in Haleakala, Hawaii. It moves from southeast to northwest. Image of unidentified streak near center of circle. According to the NASA site, the streak was spotted on the night of Dec. 17. Another camera trained on the night sky in Hawaii, in Mauna Kea, also captured the image. source - http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp © 2005 WorldNetDaily.com
2004 - Norwich, Norfolk - According to eyewitness testimony of the women, she sensed something was about to happen before the UFO was seen. Photo was taken by her husband with a video camera. Husband and wife team took another photo of an unknown in 2002. original source: www.nationalufocenter.com
2004 - Kingston, Ontario, Canada - December 4. I received a photo of a definite UFO from Tim in Canada. I have enlarged the section of the object in the night sky and attempted to brighten and increase the contrast on the second photo and then posterized the third photo. I used Adobe Photoshop for all tests regarding the object. A clear image of a solid object is evident. Is it an extraterrestrial UFO,? I don't know. It is a definitely an unidentifed flying object - absolutely. by Dirk Vander Ploeg, Publisher-source & references http://www.ufodigest.com/kingston.html
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