The hollow Earth, tinfoil hat theory. This is an animation about the Hollow Earth Theory and about a possible Earth geological model . I´ve searched out and merged the available information together in this form. Thanks for watching!
The range of the implications of the earth being hollow are important. Hugely, massively important. They go as far as explaining dozens of anomalies that surround us. All kinds of parallel, alternative, weird and conspiratorial ideas. Ideas which are becoming mainstream, and not that it matters what a majority of any kind thinks or what opinions it holds. The masses are dark (doesn't) matter in the larger scheme of things.
The hollow Earth theory
The inner (hollow) Earth expedition to the North Pole. Probably the most fantastic expedition ever conducted by sea to a place never seen from sea level. The North Pole Inner Earth Expedition had gotten funding from a New York production company with a departure date set for July, 2013. According to legend, in an oceanic depression above the Arctic Circle is an entrance to an Inner Earth, and through the use of gyroscopes on the ship, they'll be to identify such a depression. In ancient times, the idea of subterranean realms seemed arguable, and became intertwined with the concept of "places" such as the Greek Hades, the Nordic svartalfheim, the Christian Hell, and the Jewish Sheol (with details describing inner Earth in Kabalistic literature, such as the Zohar and Hesed L'Avraham - Hollow Earth Hypothesis). The idea of a subterranean realm is also mentioned in the Vedic texts such as the Puranas, according to one story in the Puranas there is an ancient city called Shamballa which is located inside the earth, the belief in Shamballa as a city inside the earth is also found in Tibetan Buddhism. The concept of a subterranean land inside the earth is popular in mythology, folklore and legends in ancient times. Below an interview with Brooks Agnew in where Mr. Agnew talks about the upcoming North Pole Inner Earth Expedition.
Date of discovery: unknown, 1970s-80s. Method 1: Google Earth Map, in moon mode. Method 2: Method 3: ipad app called "Moon Map Pro. " Coordinates: 73° 2'57.30"S 145° 1'44.98"W There is definitely an Alien Base On the Moon In the Zeeman Crater, which was found sometime in the late 1970's or early 1980's? If you look this up you will definitely find this opening;
If you ask us here at Conspiracy Lie, we know that this is a massive smoking gun and literally something that need's investigating if it already hasn't happened already what with similar places been found and that are being found practically on a week by weekly bases! Knowing our Government and the US Government, NASA, European Space Agency and all the other secret, clandestine "forces" that be, we will never know unless we build a rocket ourselves and go there! We'de probably get pulled over for speeding... vertically!
Police car in hot pursuit of UFO in Gorey, Ireland On Aug 4, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
This video is funny
Here is something extremely cute and out of this world. A hot pursuit right out of Fast And Furious, of a UFO being chased by a police car in the small town of Gorey, Ireland. Sure its only for fun, and not at all a real UFO, but sometimes you need to kick back, smile and laugh a bit, and this does the trick. Scott C. Waring News states: A video has emerged online appearing to show a low-speed pursuit between a Garda car and a flying saucer on the streets of Gorey, Co Wexford. In the video posted over the weekend on Facebook, a UFO proceeds down the street, closely followed by a squad car with its lights flashing. However, a Garda spokesman told The Irish Times that it was less of a “pursuit” and more of a friendly escort. The “UFO” in this case is actually an installation for a space-themed art show created by local artist Ali Kemal Ali. “The gardaí gave (Ali) a little escort around the town to show the UFO off,” said the Garda spokesman, quelling rumours of an intergalactic invasion. “It was all in good faith,” he said. No aliens have been arrested at this time.
Now I've never been to North Korea or the DPRK as it is known. It has to be said though that the people that have been there, say it's all staged, that they are lied to, that it's one big set up and micro-managed to every second of the day?
Now, we can't see this for ourselves, unless we go there and see all this "massive world stage" for ourselves? But Google Map's do purport to show "work camp's and mass grave's". Now if this is true then it must start with the leaders as an investigation, but how does someone go about this? The Hermit State as it has become to be known as, is one big secret, how does one get the access to, how does an interview get set up to speak to someone there without the usual "staged set"?
We can only hope that more people escape the DPRK and get to safety, speak out and do so without the fear of repercussions?
Many people from the DPRK make it to South Korea and immediately (nearly always) get sanctuary and have a safe place to live, still in Korea and with their "own" people.
The interview's and documentaries I have seen don't go nearly all the way that maybe they should or could go? They ALL seem to be going in the same in direction, which lead's me to think that even this is part of the DPRK's propaganda? I mean come on, they micro manage you from start to finish and you make it out of the DPRK with what they leave you on your tapes? Am I right? you may think or even believe that you have got one over them because you have a few bits of film showing someone illegally selling clothing or even food on the streets! But, don't forget it that they have always been in control since the second you stepped foot in that God forsaken country! It may seem however, that THEY have gotten one over on you!