So here's the smoking gun so-to-speak? This is most interesting and all the detail's below raise even more question's like how could this of got through NASA's iron grip and made its way to their website? Again, this lead's me to believe that it is part of the "dribble bit, by bit disclosure?" That's another story in itself.
On their (NASA's) website click here, you can hover over the entire page or just the most interesting part, the UFO which stand's for Unidentified Floating Object. Theres to many corners, sharp turns and what appear to be "flaps" of some sorts? Without a doubt, this is a craft. This is from intelligence, made with knowledge of space and what intention is the only real question? The rest is self explanatory! Its a space craft! Heres one for you, PAN-SNGLNT., SPACE DEBRIS!!!!!! WTF does this really mean? from their own space ships, debris fallen off like a spare tyre on the motorway. Give us a break, next they'll say it's frickin SWAMP GAS. Remnants of a Dinosaur fart, part of Buzz Aldrins jock strap or a loose "strap-on" from Apollo 4
First flight of Saturn V rocket; successfully demonstrated S-IVB third stage restart and tested CM heat shield at lunar re-entry speeds, but left some debris floating around the Earth!!!!! It's all lies, we can't trust NASA, although ide love to have faith in them, we just can't have full faith in them and that's a shame! Image detail's below for anyone that's remotely interested in this.
NASA Photo ID STS088-724-68 Focal Length 250mm Date taken 1998.12.11 Time taken 20:17:33 GMT
ISS nadir point: 26.9° S, 10.8° E
Photo center point: Nadir to Photo Center: North Spacecraft Altitude: 214 nautical miles (396km) Country or Geographic Name: OCEAN Features: PAN-SNGLNT., SPACE DEBRIS Cloud Cover Percentage: 90 (76-100)% Sun Elevation Angle: -25° Sun Azimuth: 224°
One of the most unusual stars in our galaxy, KIC 8462852, has been the subject of an immense amount of interest in the last few months. Interest in the star, which is 1,480 light-years away, began last October when Yale scientists found unusual fluctuations in its light. Now a new study has claimed the entire star has also been dimming in a dramatic way.
Dyson Megasphere
Caltech astronomer Ben Montet and Joshua Simon of the Carnegie Institute measured the light from the star that Kepler recorded during its four-year mission. Shown' an artist's impression of a Dyson sphere. In the new study, which is not yet peer-reviewed, Caltech astronomer Ben Montet and Joshua Simon of the Carnegie Institute measured the light from the star that Kepler recorded during its four-year mission. For the first few years,it dimmed at about 0.34 percent per year, they found. However, then its light level dropped dramatically by about 2.5 percent in 200 days - before it returned to the original slow fade rate. The astronomers looked at 500 other stars in the vicinity, and saw nothing else like it.
Some theories have suggested the dips in light are caused by an alien megastructure. But the mystery of what is causing the light flickers might be soon solved, now that a fundraising campaign to investigate the star has reached its target. The Kickstarter campaign, started on 18 May this year by Yale University researcher Dr Tabetha Boyajian, who first spotted the signals, has now reached its $100,000 (£68,352) goal. The project is hoping to investigate 'the most mysterious star in the galaxy' according to the Kickstarter page.
Dyson Megasphere lights
A series of bizarre readings from a star called KIC 8462852 is baffling scientists. Some have speculated it may be an alien 'dyson sphere' megastructure. A study out last month claims that the signals were in fact caused by group of breakup of 30 massive Halley-like comets which blocked the starlight from view The Kepler mission monitored the star for four years, looking at two unusual incidents, in 2011 and 2013, when the star's light dimmed in dramatic, never-before-seen ways. When a planet orbits a star, the star's brightness usually reduces by around one per cent. But KIC 8462852 - nicknamed Tabby's star - has had a reduction of around to 22 per cent, which suggests something huge may be moving past it, according to a study by Louisiana State University (LSU). In some cases, the flux dropped down to below the 20 per cent level and lasted anywhere between five and 80 days at a time.
Beautiful animation
Interest in the star, which is 1,480 light-years away, began last October when Yale scientists found unusual fluctuations in its light - with some suggesting the dips in light are caused by an alien megastructure. One theory that has got traction says the dips are caused by an alien megastructure, similar to a Dyson sphere (stock image) The most remarkable of these fluctuations consisted of dozens of uneven, unnatural-looking dips that appeared over a 100-day period indicating that a large number of irregularly shaped objects had passed across the face of the star and temporarily blocked some of the light coming from it. 'We'd never seen anything like this star,' said Dr Boyajian, who first spotted the signals. 'It was really weird. We thought it might be bad data or movement on the spacecraft, but everything checked out.' Scientists have been speculating on what could be causing such irregular dips since the paper was published. 'It's our first crowdfunding campaign and we are a small operation, so we just ask for your patience as we work out the logistics on what happens next,' Dr Boyajian said. The group is using the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope network (LCOGT) - a unique global network of telescopes operated by a network of scientists. 'We are currently monitoring the star with the LCOGT, and we are working with their staff to set up a custom data pipeline to streamline the data reduction and analysis,' Dr Boyajian added. One theory that has got traction says the dips are caused by an alien megastructure, similar to the Dyson sphere first proposed by theoretical physicist Freeman Dyson in 1960.
Alien Planet light information
RULING OUT AN ALIEN STRUCTURE In order to explore the idea that such a structure could have been built by intelligent alien life, the Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute, Seti, trained its Allen Telescope Array on the star for more than two weeks. Experts looked for two types of radio signal: narrow-band signals generated as a 'hailing signal' for alien societies wanting to announce their presence, and broad-band signals. These signals would be produced by 'beamed propulsion'. Seti said that if large scale alien engineering projects really are underway, the array would pick up signals made by intense microwave beams that could be used to power spacecraft. Scientists analysing the data found no clear evidence for either type of signal. They believe this rules out the presence of omnidirectional transmitters - large antenna - of approximately 100 times today's total terrestrial energy usage in the case of the narrow-band signals, and ten million times that usage for broad band emissions. So the presence of a Dyson sphere is unlikely.
Cool Image
This theory suggests that a swarm of satellites or solar panels surrounding a star, known as a Dyson swarm, could harness the power of the star and this swam could be could be an enclosed shell, or spacecraft. But other possible structures include artificial space habitats, or a planet-sized occulting object intended to provide a long-lasting signal to other galactic inhabitants. A study using data from Nasa's Spitzer Space Telescope in November suggested the changes in light may be caused by a swarm of comets. A study out last month claims the signals were in fact caused by the breakup of 30 massive Halley-like comets which blocked the starlight from view. Astronomers studied the star using the Submillimeter Array and the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, on Mauna Kea in Hawaii. They wanted to track down dust associated with a possible planetary collision, according a report in Discovery, but they found none. The result is consistent with the break up of huge comets that would block the starlight from sight - although how such a huge amount of comets would disintegrate is unknown. The latest results follow a study earlier this month by Vanderbilt University which found the observations of KIC 8462852 were tainted by the inconsistent use of telescopes on Earth. It said the the presence of a Dyson sphere is unlikely.
As seen with telescope
Institute astronomer Seth Shostak said: 'The history of astronomy tells us that every time we thought we had found a phenomenon due to the activities of extraterrestrials, we were wrong. 'But although it's quite likely that this star's strange behaviour is due to nature, not aliens, it's only prudent to check such things out.' Their observations will continue, but so far no evidence of deliberately produced radio signals has been found in the direction of KIC 8462852. While the scientists have all but ruled out an intelligent alien society and comets, the truth behind KIC 8462852 continues to elude them. Now Dr Boyajian and her team hope to unravel the mystery. 'We will keep you all in the loop as things progress, and will soon send out surveys to gather information for reward fulfillment,' she said.
LAKE VOSTOK is 1,000 miles deep with a surface area equal to Lake Ontario. By C. Michael Forsyth GENEVA — A defecting Russian scientist has surfaced with a mind-bending account of what REALLY occurred when he and his colleagues went missing for five days in a mysterious lake 12,366 feet beneath the Antarctic ice.
Antarctic Ice Shelf
Dr. Anton Padalka told authorities in Switzerland that the researchers discovered a bizarre and deadly life form dubbed Organism 46-B – a highly intelligent octopus-like creature that claimed the lives of three of the team members. But the government of Russian president Vladimir Putin claimed that “nothing of scientific interest” was found – because the former KGB strongman hopes to weaponize the organism. “The discovery of such unusual life in Lake Vostok was the most important scientific breakthrough in decades, but we were ordered not to divulge it because of Mr. Putin’s sinister scheme,” the whistleblowing geologist told the Swiss. It was in early February 2012 that members of the Russian Antarctic Expedition succeeded in the drilling through more than two miles of thick ice to Lake Vostok – a project that took more than 30 years. Because the freshwater lake has been sealed off from the rest of the world for between 15 and 34 million years, scientists had predicted they would find new species that had evolved far differently than any seen before. “According to our research, the quantity of oxygen there exceeds that on other parts of our planet by 10 to 20 times. Any life forms that we find are likely to be unique on Earth,” Sergey Bulat, the project’s Chief Scientist said on Russian TV as the geologists were drilling down. Previously, extremely weird creatures had been found in deep-sea vents off the coast of Antarctica including hairy-chested yeti crabs that feed on gardens of bacteria they cultivate on their bodies and carnivorous, seven-armed sea stars that can catch and kill those crabs. Just as the eight man team neared the lake all communication with the outside world mysteriously ceased. As days crept by and the researchers failed to respond to increasing frantic efforts to reach them by radio, fellow scientists worldwide feared the worst. “No word from the ice for 5 days,” Dr. John Priscu, a professor of ecology at Montana State University and head of a similar Antarctic exploration program grimly told Fox News at the time. “I can only imagine what it’s like.” Or maybe he couldn’t. Dr Padalka claims that during this time, he and his colleagues were fighting for their lives in the lost world deep beneath the earth’s surface. “We encountered Organism 46-B on day one as we were conducting a preliminary dive in our low-temperature wetsuits,” he recounts. “It disabled our radio, which we later learned to our alarm, was intentional.” Octopuses like this vitrelladonella richardi are known for extreme intelligence. Although the creature has 14 arms instead of the usual eight, it kills in a similar manner to an ordinary octopus — seizing its prey, injecting it with paralyzing saliva then dismembering it into small pieces with its beak. But Organism 46-B has another trick up its sleeve. “It is able to paralyze prey at a distance of up to 150 feet by releasing its venom into the water from an organ similar to its ink sac,” explained Dr. Padlaka. “Tragically, my colleague and life-long friend Dr. Vindogradov was killed this way. He tread water wearing a blissful smile as the organism approached him. We watched helplessly as it used its arms to tear off his head, then popped his remains its mouth. It was as if it had hypnotized him telepathically.” The 33-foot-long man-eater also boasts extraordinary camouflage that helped it stalk the researchers. “Many species of octopus can alter their appearance, usually to avoid larger predators,” Dr. Padalka explained. “Sacs of colorful pigments called chromatophores allow them to change colors, and by contracting their muscles they can blend in with the smooth ocean floor or a craggy coral reef. The well-known mimic octopus can contort its boneless body to take on the shape of a sea snake or stingray.” But the shape-shifting abilities of Organism 46-B sound almost diabolical. “It shaped itself into the form of a human diver. We thought it was one my colleagues swimming toward us in scuba gear. By the time the closest scientist realized what it was, it had grabbed him and torn him to bits.” If an arm of an ordinary octopus is cut off, the severed limb will crawl away – sometimes even seize prey and place it in the mouth of the octopus. Experts say that’s because each arm contains a cluster of neurons – essentially its own brain. The arms of Organism 46-B demonstrated a chilling knack for operating autonomously. “After our sole female researcher chopped off one of the arms with an ax, the severed limb yanked the weapon out of her hands,” recalled the scientist. “That night the arm slithered onto the icy bank where we were sleeping and strangled her.” The experts believe that not only does the octopus regenerate its limbs, the brainy severed tentacle may be able to form a new octopus.
Strange creatures
Octopuses are extraordinarily intelligent, able to negotiate mazes, use tools and even build structures with Legos. The newly discovered entity is in a class by itself. “From the way it adapted each time we changed our tactics, we became convinced it is at least as intelligent as an average human,” Dr. Padalka revealed. “If we were not all Ph.Ds, I fear it would have in the end outwitted us.” Miraculously, the eggheads were able to capture the creature in a tank. After the five surviving scientists made their way to the surface, the program’s director ordered that the bore hole be immediately plugged. The geologists expected to be honored internationally for their amazing find. To their great disappointment, however, the Russian government claimed that the team had found no life in Lake Vostok – and denied that divers had even entered the water. “There’s nothing much down there, I can assure you,” according to a statement by the chief of the Vostok Research Station, A. M. Yelagin. The director of the Russian Antarctic Expedition, Valery Lukin, admitted that the plug had been put in place but called the precaution “routine.” U.S. and British experts were puzzled by the announcement. “It’s a little bit of an anti-climax,” geologist Dr. David L. Meckenroy of the U.K. said on TV at the time. “It’s hard to believe we were so wrong about there being unusual life down there.”
President Putin
COLD AS ICE: Russian President Putin is known for ruthlessness and secrecy. Dr. Padalka claims he fled his native country in July after learning to his horror that the government is planning to put the discovery to military use. “Some species of octopus lay 200,000 eggs,” he pointed out. “Imagine if they were deposited in reservoirs and lakes across North America?” The Russian government calls the whistleblower’s claims preposterous. “It is laughable. Ho, ho, ho,” declared Mikhail Belochkin of the Bureau of Truthful Information. “It sounds like something you might see on one of your science fiction TV channels. The Cold War is over, my friends. If our scientists made a discovery of such magnitude, do you seriously doubt that we would share it with the world?”
The Large Hadron Collider or LHC is the world's most powerful particle accelerator, the machine is made up of superconducting magnets which line a 27KM loop, homed 300 ft below the ground at the CERN Control Centre in Geneva, Switzerland. The machine is the result of thousands of scientists and engineers planning and building over the last few decades. To explain simply what the machine does, it sends sub atomic particles at the speed of light hurtling around the loop in opposite directions and then smashes them into each other. The LHC was first fired up in September 2008 and in 2012 the machine was responsible for the discovery of the Higgs Boson, the God Particle. Higgs Boson is a particle that is said to be the particle that makes all matter and led to the creation of our universe.
Now this is where it gets absolutely crazy, let's just say for one minuet that they do open these portals? Who, what, when and why? Is it time travel or is it Devil worshipping? By Devil worshipping I mean this, the opening of a portal is likely to bring in alsorts of Demons, maybe change the past and instant knowledge. CERN want to use the LHC to find out the fundamentals of our universe and how it was created, they want to recreate the Big Bang and find out what matter existed at the creation of our universe, but this is not the only major role for the machine, with the LHC CERN are EXPECTING to find other dimensions and open portals to these dimensions, if you have the image of Stargate in your head right now, you are spot on.
These rumors are indeed a reality and the evidence is overwhelming. CERN is a massive scientific instrument that was in fact designed to be a ”Stargate”, or a “SATURN MACHINE” (space/time) with the intention of opening up inter-dimensional portals. Throughout ancient history there have been many accounts of gods traveling from location to location using intricate machinery that would take them from one dimension to another. There are accounts of the ancient Sumer speaking about so-called gods coming in through a double pillared stargate and there have been carvings that have represented such a feat. It is amazing to think that the ancients had mastered the ability to travel using wormhole technology that we now are hearing about at places like the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, but it is true. Once again it has to be indicated that CERN is located in Geneva. Geneva and “Saint Geniis” are similar to the word “Genesis.” The purpose of CERN is to find the Origins of Man and the Universe. They have stated that they want to open a doorway to another dimension and find a God. Is it just a coincidence that CERN is short for the horned God Cernunnos? Is it also a coincidence that CERN has to go deep underground to do their “god” harnessing experiments? Cernunnos was the god of the underworld. Cernunnos – the horned deity of the Celts/Gauls later to become Pan. Pan-dimensional. Cronus – the Greek derivative from Seb or Geb of the Egyptian Ennead, the ‘horned one’ later to become the roman god Saturn – Satan. Kroni – ancient East Indian demon – primordial manifestation of evil – analogous with the Roman Christian Satan – shares many traits with Kali, the Destroyer. CERN is linked to several secret projects being carried out by the European Union and the European Trilateral Commission. CERN is also responsible for the internet and have been doing ongoing research for governments with regard to global sustainability. It was also reported that in 1999 CERN proposed and carried out quantum Vortex experiments searching for Solar Axions. Axions are hypothetical particles that are components of dark matter. In order to find these Axions CERN proposed the use of a decommissioned magnet called SATAN. It was an acronym for Solar Axion Telescopic Antenna. One of the attempts at creating a portal anchor happened in an area where there is rumored to be an ancient Stargate in the real ancient Babylon, Iraq. Even a top Physicist at CERN admitted “‘Something may come through’ dimensional ‘doors’ at LHC”. And “Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it,” said Sergio Bertolucci, Director for Research and Scientific Computing at CERN. The capabilities of CERN and evidence suggesting that it is being used as a literal TIME DISTORTION machine is a reality. This is where SATURN comes into play. If the elite worship Saturn which is the god of TIME & SPACE, then surely CERN is connected to this “god”, right? As it turns out, that is exactly the case and the CERN/SATURN rabbit hole is very deep. It is my estimation that CERN among other locations is a central key location and site for a gateway to open for Cernunnos/Pan/Saturn/Satan/demonic forces to manifest in this dimension. This must occur for the elite’s NWO Anti-Christ beast system. Big thanks to (Before its news).
Mars Bones found on Mars, Curiosity Rover, NASA. Undeniable PROOF that Alien's once inhabited Mars and definitely lived there, be it animal's and or intelligent life?
Bones on Mars
Martian Archaeology YouTube channel's do believe this is a bone on Mars UFO investigators are claiming that 2016 will shine new light on allegations Mars has hosted intelligent life amid claims a mammal-like bone and an alien claw have been seen on the surface of the Red Planet. Separate videos posted to YouTube by Martian investigators have laid claim to the discovery of proof of alien life in images taken by NASA's Curiosity Rover - a space probe currently exploring the surface of the Red Planet.
The claw of Mars
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