Sunday, October 9, 2016

Strange "UFO' Filmed Hovering & Landing Over A Block Of Flats In Moscow As Locals Claim It's Not The First Sighting"

footage of ufo landing in moscow captured by a resident stirs fears
Very strange UFO hovering over Moscow
Witnesses in the Russian capital of Moscow are reporting seeing an extremely strange and bright ball of light. The mysterious glowing object has been seen flying over residential buildings in the city and Online commentators are now saying that they have noticed this strange object before. It's not the first time people say Aliens have visited their city before, so my question is this, WTF? Why Moscow, why the crappiest place on Gods green earth are Aliens visiting there? 

This is the moment a UFO shaped as a ball of light was caught on camera in Moscow. The video was filmed by an onlooker on his mobile phone. The footage, which shows a bright ball of light flying over blocks of flats, scored thousands of views after it was posted online.

1st Source;
• The footage was shot in Moscow
• The footage was shot on a mobile phone
• Authorities have not commented on the incident yet

MOSCOW, Russia - Causing a widespread social media spook, a footage of a bright and huge ball of light scouting the skies of the Russian capital city was captured by a resident. The resident who captured the footage of the ‘UFO’ in Moscow, using a mobile phone camera, uploaded it on the internet and instantly the video went viral, with thousands of UFO experts, alien hunters, space enthusiasts watching it and sharing their comments and debating what the object could be. The video shows the ball of light moving up and down over blocks of residential flats and buildings in Moscow’s Marfino District, leading even the mainstream Russian media to comment on the object. 

The resident who captured the unnatural occurrence talks about the sighting in the background, in a voice filled with shock and fear. While officials from Kremlin have remained mum about the video or any supernatural, extraterrestrial presence - one commentator said, “You can see this UFO quite often in Moscow, I’ve seen it two times this year. They are even more frequent in other cities.” Another person who viewed the video said, “I have no idea what this thing was. UFO is the first thing which comes to mind.” One UFO expert claimed that Russia has been fighting a battle against a race of aliens living underwater for decades now, stirring up another conspiracy all together, leading to many old files, claims and conspiracy theories to come to light and be discussed on the social media.

2nd Source;

The UFO can be seen hovering in the sky. Russian officials have not commented on the matter but some viewers said it was not the first time it had been sighted. Local man Vasya Mirny said: 'You can see this UFO quite often in Moscow, I've seen it two times this year. They are even more frequent in other cities.' Another, Yulia, added: 'I have no idea what this thing was. UFO is the first thing which comes to mind.

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